Mondays – Beginners Irish Session and Pub Quiz
- ~ The Traditional Irish Session for beginners starts at 6pm and is open for all abilities
- ~ An advanced session runs every Wednesday from 8.45pm
- ~ The quiz starts at 8pm, written and hosted by our Quiz Master John
- ~ £1 Entry pp and £20 prize for the winning team
- ~ Mystery shots for the team in last place
Tuesdays – The Chemic Singers Community Choir
- ~ 6.30 – 7.30pm every week
- ~ Led by Kit and Clare, they take it in turns to lead the group each week
- ~ Well known classics and modern songs, with an online songbook and accompanied by live acoustic guitar
- ~ Harmonies and Call and Response
Wednesdays – The Chemic Ukulele Group and Traditional Irish Session
- ~ The Ukulele session is open to everyone and runs from 7pm til 8.30pm every week
- ~ Join in whether you’re a novice or a pro and sing along with a massive songbook of well known tunes
- ~ The Traditional Irish session runs from 8.45 – 11pm every wednesday
- ~ This is a more advanced session, a beginners session also runs here every Monday 6pm til 7.30pm
Thursdays – The Chemic Open Mic Night
- ~ Every Thursday from 7:30pm
- ~ No sign ups needed, just turn up early to book a slot and a free drink for every performer
- ~ House guitar, piano, mics and DI provided.
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Sundays – Old Time Session
- ~ 2pm on the 4th Sunday of the month
- ~ Open to everyone, Old Time music is North American folk music derived from Bluegrass and country
- ~ Group and solo performances, and even flat foot dancing
- ~ Fiddle, Banjo, Mandolin, Guitars etc.
Sundays – Scottish Session
- ~ 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday of the month, 7pm-10pm
- ~ Sheet based music, playing mostly dance sets.
- ~ Links to the Leeds Branch RSCDS with opportunities to play for dancing.
Save the Date!
- ~ Monthly pop culture quiz. 4th Sunday of the month, £50 prize!